HOW TO: Include symbols in rich text editor in MOSS 2007
This post is a contribution from Jaishree Thiyagarajan, an engineer with the SharePoint Developer Support team. Note: The below walk-through is based off of a publishing site. We can include symbols in...
View ArticleHOW TO: Programmatically set/pass WorkflowContext from a Visual Studio...
This post is a contribution from Himani Sharma, an engineer with the SharePoint Developer Support team. Scenario: You have a workflow custom action that you’d like to be used in SharePoint 2010...
View ArticleHOW TO: Create a custom ASPX association and initiation forms for Visual...
This post is a contribution from Himani Sharma, an engineer with the SharePoint Developer Support team. Requirement You want to use custom Association and Initiation forms with your Visual Studio...
View ArticleHOW TO: Customizing SharePoint AppWeb web template
This blog post is a contribution from Mustaq Patel, an engineer with the SharePoint Developer support team. SharePoint Apps provides a great deal of flexibility and how much we can do with it. Using...
View ArticleHOW TO: Programmatically modify values of people and groups column of type...
This blog post is a contribution from Bharat Rathod, an engineer with the SharePoint Developer Support team. In this post, I’ll show you how to use UpdateListItems method of the Lists.asmx web service...
View ArticleUsing SPSite and SPWeb objects with RunWithElevatedPrivileges: Don’t cross...
This blog post is a contribution from David Wilborn, an engineer with the SharePoint Developer Support team. Although it’s mentioned in the SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges documentation , I find...
View ArticleHOW TO: Display runtime-generated data in a ListView control in SharePoint...
This blog post is a contribution from Bharat Rathod, an engineer with the SharePoint Developer Support team. We often find that ListView control is used to display data which is fetched from a database...
View ArticleHOW TO: Create UserProfile Synchronization connection to BCS and map User...
This blog post is a contribution from Mustaq Patel, an engineer with the SharePoint Developer Support team. The end goal is to populate User Profile Property values from an external database. From...
View ArticleHOW TO: Programmatically delete a single instance of a recurring event in a...
This blog post is a contribution from Kevin Jacob Kurian, an engineer with the SharePoint Developer Support team. When we edit a single instance of a recurring event, it actually creates a new instance...
View ArticleHOW TO: Delete AD group from SharePoint site collection using web services
This blog post is a contribution from Bharat Rathod, an engineer with the SharePoint Developer Support team. I recently worked on a project where we had to delete an AD group which has permissions on a...
View ArticleHOW TO: Add a custom field to blog posts in SharePoint 2013
This blog post is a contribution from David Wilborn, an engineer with the SharePoint Developer Support team. I recently worked a project where we needed to add a custom field to blog posts and use the...
View ArticleHow To: Use REST to POST in Hosted SharePoint Apps
This blog post is a contribution from Mustaq Patel, an engineer with the SharePoint Developer Support team. This blog post demonstrates the use of SharePoint 2013 REST from AppWeb to issue HTTP POST on...
View ArticleHOW TO: Generate Document IDs for custom content types with Inherits=False
This blog post is a contribution from Deepak Kumar, an Engineer with the SharePoint Developer Support team. The “Inherits” attribute of the custom content type when set to “False” indicates that the...
View ArticleHow to subscribe for an alert for a “Post” in discussion board programmatically
This post is a contribution from Jaishree Thiyagarajan, an engineer with the SharePoint Developer Support team.Let’s first talk about some basic facts about discussion board and alert...
View ArticleA case of custom email templates not used when alerts are created from code...
Recently, I had a case where customer was creating SPAlert object using SharePoint object model code and things were not working out well.What seem to happen was that whenever the condition that...
View ArticleHOW TO: Not allow a user to add multiple items of a meeting at the same time...
This post is a contribution from Bharat Rathod, an engineer with the SharePoint Developer Support team. By default, SharePoint 2010 allows you to add multiple items in the calendar for the same date...
View ArticleHOW TO: Include symbols in rich text editor in MOSS 2007
This post is a contribution from Jaishree Thiyagarajan, an engineer with the SharePoint Developer Support team. Note: The below walk-through is based off of a publishing site. We can include symbols in...
View ArticleHOW TO: Programmatically set/pass WorkflowContext from a Visual Studio...
This post is a contribution from Himani Sharma, an engineer with the SharePoint Developer Support team. Scenario: You have a workflow custom action that you’d like to be used in SharePoint 2010...
View ArticleHOW TO: Create a custom ASPX association and initiation forms for Visual...
This post is a contribution from Himani Sharma, an engineer with the SharePoint Developer Support team. Requirement You want to use custom Association and Initiation forms with your Visual Studio...
View ArticleHOW TO: Access list item in WorkflowStarting event receiver when “Required...
This post is a contribution from Charls Tom Jacob, an engineer with the SharePoint Developer Support team. Scenario: You have a SharePoint library in which “Require documents to be checked out before...
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